Welcome to the At[h]om Koncept

At the beginning my motivation was drawing... simply drawing everywhere, anywhere, on every available media, expanding my dreams into reality. Recreating this world where i was living so confortably during the nights under the daylight.

And one day I got my hands on a tattoo machine.

The world suddenly offered me a new perspective, a new media, a new concept; suddendly i had this feeling of imperative, something blowing eagerly inside, with passion, violent and at the same time comforting and.. unforced, essential.

After a while, this feeling grew stronger and stronger, and one day it just became obsessing, mesmerising and, as an opium smoker, i left everything to fulfill this craving.

France-Belgium, Belgium-Dublin, and finally London. My luggage lost at the airport, no money, nowhere to stay, just a few clothes, and a couple of tattoo machines.. a new life was starting.

London turned out to be an ordeal with its share of tears, wonderings, doubts and insecurity; i was not aware back then that it would be beneficial for my own enlightment.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Family Ink.. feel the love.

Noor. Design by GREMS, London, UK, 2k10

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